What is the meaning the term "FSC Certified" means when a particular product, for
example, decking, or furniture for outdoor use can be described or labeled FSC
Certified? In essence, a product is accredited from FSC, the Forest Stewardship
Council (FSC) that means it is in compliance with standards of "gold quality" ethical
standards of production. The wood is sourced in forests which are ethically managed,
beneficial to society as well as environmentally sustainable and economically
The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is a non-profit corporation that establishes high
standards to ensure that forestry is conducted responsibly and environmentally
positively socially beneficial way. If a piece of furniture, for instance, the piece of
furniture made of tropical hardwood is identified with the words "FSC certified," it
means that the wood used in the furniture as well as the manufacturer who made it
met the standards that are set by the Forest Stewardship Council.

Purpose of FSC
Based on Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations' (FAO) reports,
majority of the forest in the world is being destroyed. FSC Works against disruption
and the violation of laws governing forests and deforestation.
The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) will promote sustainable socially beneficial and
economically sustainable management of the world's forest.
The forests of the world meet the ecological, social and economic needs of our
generation, without compromising the needs of the next generation.
Environmentally Appropriate
A sustainable forest management system that is environmentally responsible
ensures that the harvesting of timber and non-timber forest products preserves the
forest's biodiversity, productivity as well as ecological process.
Socially Beneficial
Forest management that is socially beneficial helps the local community and the
wider society to reap long-term benefits and provides an incentive for the local
population to protect the forest resources as well as adhere to long-term plans of
Economically Viable
Sustainable forest management is the notion that forest operations are organized
and managed to be financially viable, but without producing financial profits without
sacrificing the forest environment, its resources or the communities that are affected.
The conflict between the need to earn enough financial returns as well as the
fundamentals of responsible forest management can be reduced by attempting to
sell the full spectrum of products and forest-related services to ensure the most
You can review our FSC certified products here.
Ten Rules for Responsible Forest Management
● Respect any applicable law, regulation,, and internationally-ratified treaties,
conventions and conventions.
● Improve or maintain the economic and social well-being of the workers.
● Determine and protect Indigenous Peoples' legal and traditional rights to
control, ownership, and use of territories, land and other resources impacted
by the management of.
● Contribute to sustaining or enhancing the economic and social well-being in
local community.
● Manage effectively the variety of services and products from Management
Unit. Management Unit to maintain or improve long-term viability and to
maximize the number of social and environmental benefits.
● Maintain, conserve , and/or restore the ecosystem services and values that are
part of the Management Unit, and shall prevent, repair or reduce negative
environmental effects.
● Develop a management strategy that is in line with its objectives and policies
and in proportion to the scale as well as the risk of the management activities.
The management plan must be efficiently implemented, and maintained
current based on the monitoring data to facilitate an adaptive management.
The plan and the procedural documentation should be sufficient to direct staff,
educate those affected by the plan and any other stakeholders , and support
the decisions of management.
● Prove that progress toward reaching the objectives of management as well as
the effects of management activities , and the state within management units
Management Unit, are monitored and assessed in proportion to the
magnitude, intensity and risk associated with management activities, to
ensure that adaptive management is implemented.
● Maintain and/or improve the Conservation Values of the High Conservation
Area within the Management Unit through applying the method of precaution.
● Management activities that are conducted by or on behalf of the organization
within the management unit should be determined and executed in line with
the organization's economic social, environmental and policy and goals and in
accordance in accordance with Principles as well as the Criteria collectively.
Why You Should Consider FSC-Certified Furniture
Forests make up 30 percent of world's land According to FSC. Anyone who wants to be
green in their homes and their landscaping ought to consider purchasing
environmentally friendly garden furniture and items. It is said that the United States is
the world's largest importer of tropical wood furniture from countries that
manufacture timber. In the case of imports, garden furniture accounts for about
one-fifth of the wood furniture market. U.S. imports of all timber products from tropical
forests have increased in the last couple of decades. The forests of countries like
Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brazil are being depleted at a rapid rate.
The main reason for deforestation is the illegal and legal cutting of the remaining
forest to satisfy the increasing demand of tropical timber products. With the current
rate of deforestation the remaining biodiversity-rich natural forests of South
American, Asian, and African countries are likely to disappear in less than one
Experts suggest that consumers search for and purchase products that bear the
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) logo. This signifies that the wood can be traced
back to a sustainablely managed forest.
"You will see the FSC checkmark and tree logos on specific wood and paper products
sold by large home improvement stores and office retailer," says Jack Hurd director of
the Nature Conservancy's program for forest trade. He also recommends contacting
your preferred stores to inquire about carrying FSC-certified products , and telling
your family and friends to inquire about FSC.

Understanding FSC Labels
Look for products that carry the FSC certification, and ideally, are made from FSC
woods--like eucalyptus--harvested in the local economy where the furniture was
Although the FSC can make a somewhat complex process and the chain of supply
more understandable for consumers, it's helpful to be aware of the three labels on the
majority of items mean:
● FSC 100: All products originate from FSC-certified forests.
● FSC recycled: paper or wood that is used in a product comes from recycled
● FSC mixed: Mix signifies that at least 70% of the wood used in the product is
FSC-certified or recycled materials; and 30% is controlled wood.
Searching for Products in the FSC Database
To help you find the most sustainable products, it is recommended to use the Global
FSC Certificate Database provides the Product Classification tool to research and find
companies, importers and exporters of certified products and materials. This tool can
help you locate certified businesses using drop-down menus that let you choose a
type of product such as "outdoor garden furniture" and "veneer" and also certification
status, the name of the company and the country it is located in. Then, it displays
companies' names with descriptions of their products countries of origin, as well as
other information to aid you in finding the product that is FSC certified or for when the
certification has expired.
Third and second-level search allow you to narrow your search to find products that
are FSC certified. The Product Data tab provides more details on the kinds of materials
that are included in the certification or products.
How to get FSC Certified?
If you're looking to get an FSC Certificate, go through these five steps:
● Contact an FSC certified certification agencies to obtain the required
information regarding the certification process and the prerequisites for
● You'll need to submit a certification agency that you want to work with , and
then agree to the agreement.
● It is essential to ensure that suitable Forest Management/Chain of Custody
Standards are in place.
● Your business will undergo an assessment from an FSC certification bodies.
They will perform an audit on-site and provide you with the report.
● You will be granted certification approval. You'll be able show your FSC
certification number and your approval on your site so that visitors can verify it.
You can review our FSC certified products here.